We have been blessed with camaraderie these past few weeks. We spend nearly every day with a friend that we don't get to see too often. We stay busy, but it is most definitely worth it. We are going to miss a lot of people who are near to our heart.
This past weekend we were surprised by almost all our best friends. Josh organized a "roast" in our honor. He had been planning it for weeks and many of our friends had spent sleepless nights writing their jokes. If you're not familiar with a roast, it is when an individual is subjected to insults, jokes, true (or not) stories, as well as praise and heartwarming gestures of kindness. It was a lot of fun. I don't think I have laughed so hard in my life, as all of my embarrassing and compromising traits were shared among our friends. Because Josh is moving to Colorado shortly after we are, he became the beneficiary of a few roasts as well. After each person took turns roasting us, Ruth and I collaborated on a roast for each of them. When it was all said and done, everyone was smiling and cheerful. We summed up the rest of the night by eating snacks prepared in advance, playing games, and just enjoying each others company.
Other than the roast and spending time with friends, Ruth and I have started the packing process. We have just over a week before we pack up the truck and drive to The Springs.

Our apartment has been invaded by boxes that we have stored in the Zeilinga's basement since the wedding and boxes that I have brought home from work.

Tonight our goal is to take things off the walls and pack up the closets and less-used kitchen appliances. We may not get to it all tonight, because in order to clean out the freezer we have made a huge pot of stew and invited some friends to come and share in it with us. We'll have to move some boxes to make room to sit at the table, but good company is worth the extra work and the excuse for procrastination.
Tomorrow night we have our weekly 'Folk Tales' dinner with friends. Tuesday nights always promise to be a good time, full of laughs and companionship; just like hobbits in the Shire.
Here is the group (clockwise): Ruth, Aaron, Becca, Steven, Janelle, Jake, Desiree, and Stephanie.
Now, on with packing and visiting friends. :)