This is us 16 miles up the 19 mile drive to the summit of Pikes Peak. We weren't allowed to go the whole because of icy conditions on the road, and if you notice, there are no guard rails. You wouldn't know it from looking but it was a beautiful 68 degrees in Colorado Springs but it was a frigid 30 degrees at the top with strong winds. Most of the weekend we were there we wore t-shirts and light jackets, but we were ill-equipped up there. On average it is 30 degrees cooler at the summit than at base.

On the way down we saw this fox as it was crossing a parking lot. It was amazing to see this wild animal on the side of the road, so close to our car.
There will be many more photos to come, including Garden of the Gods and our apartment.
Looks awesome! I'm so excited you guys are blogging :)