Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Kimble's Do Denver


We, mostly me (Ruth), pledge to get better at updating this blog!

It's been a busy time for us. Steven is continuing to learn the ways of property management, specifically through the community director's lens. He seems to be enjoying work, and is continuing to succeed within the company. I'm a proud wife! :)

Aside from being a great community director, Steven is continuing to be a great husband. He's proving to be a handy man around the house. So far he has fixed the screen door, a plugged sink, and a slippery shower curtain! He has been teaching the kids (dogs) new tricks. Madison can now play dead, and Oscar "speaks" on command.

The job search continues for me! I just took the Colorado state exams for my CO teaching license. I'm getting signed up for many different sub lists. While this isn't the ideal working situation is opens up free time for visitors and, more importantly, SKIING! :) I am know that God has a plan for my career so I am trying to be patient.

In other news, WE ARE OFFICIAL COLORADO RESIDENTS! After a VERY expensive visit to the DMV we are now equipped with pretty green and white Colorado license plates. Unfortunately, in Colorado the cars must have a plate on the front and back of the car. This means no more BSU plate for me, and Grey Baby (Steven's car) is getting drilled into. It has taken some adjusting to get used to the new plates, but we are excited to be over that hurdle.

Other than getting to know a new town, searching for a job, succeeding at a job, and becoming CO residents; we have been entertaining like crazy! The Kimble family has been our most recent guest experience. This brought a new element to the Moll Inn as the Kimble's have three children ranging from 18 months to 9 years. Colton showed us how to baby proof the apartment while Cassidy and Annalee win a gold medal for draining the energy out of Madison and Oscar. Garry reminded us of his humor, and Jennifer juggled ten tasks at once proving that she is still super mom. Here is what the trip looked like:

  • Thursday - Left the airport to come home to a MUCH needed breakfast. Played Steven's made up games with the girls, and climbed on a boulder at a park near the apartment.
  • Friday - Hiked around Eldorado State Park then headed to Steven's company picnic where we all engaged in some intense whiffle ball.
  • Saturday - Experienced the American Girl store then the girls headed to Heaven Fest to listen to the likes of Casting Crowns and Barlow Girl. The girls received autographs from Barlow Girl! The boys walked around Denver then headed to the Cubbies game at Coors Field.
  • Sunday - Ate at the foot of Mt. Evans at a cute little cafe. Experienced snow in August on Mt. Evans, saw Elk along the highway, and enjoyed our departing dinner together.
  • Monday - Left the apartment at 4 AM to send the Kimbles off to Jason's family in New Hampshire.
It was great to see the Kimbles! We miss them very much. We video chat a great deal with them, but there is nothing like seeing them in person. We are trying to talk them into coming out to ski with us this winter! Jennifer says they'll come when Colton is a little older!

Our next guests to arrive are the Vogel's for Labor Day then Mom and Dad Zeilinga with Meme for Steven's birthday in late September.

Let us know when you are heading out!!

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